Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Nelson is a 27 year old man with dark hair and a dazed expression. Though he has a heavily bruised face, he doesn't appear to be the type to be involved in any sort of conflict. Quiet and shaking, he seems almost cowardly, like he isn't capable of anything that a top class business man wouldn't be caught doing.
Donovan is a man appearing to be 35-40 years of age. Holding his nonchalant attitude, he seems calm though through his heavy breathing, we can tell otherwise. 
Marcel is a jittering man at the age of 33 who seems to be too excited at the situation at hand. He resumes his composure by moving his hands frequently and touching at his face.
Nelson awakes, apparently wounded, handcuffed to a chair by his wrist. A table is seated in front of him while two individuals, Donovan and Marcel, stand in front of it. Not knowing how we got there, Nelson starts to panic upon realizing his predicament. 
What...what is this? Where am I?(he hesitates upon realizing a familiar face) Donovan? Donovan..what are you doing?!
Nelson begins to rattle the cuffs as his eyes dart from man to man.Donovan stands there with a solemn look then slowly turns to his partner. Donovan then steps closer and stares down Nelson. Fearful, Nelson begins to grunt and make noise. 
At this moment Marcel takes quick, violent steps forward and puts a gun to Nelson's head. Nelson draws in his breath and lets out a small whimper. 
 No more games Nelson. There's no need to hide or pretend...I think you and I both know that much. 
Nelson looks confused, and starts to speak.
What is this? ....Answer my question Donov-
No, here's a better question. You know about _____. The _________, am I right? I'm right. So tell me, what's the point of making this harder than what it needs to be? You tell me why you did it and it's finished, then you're done. Simple as that.
(While shaking his head) I don' tell me! (hiding his fear behind a small chuckle) What are you doing this for man?  
Nelson's face goes blank as a flashback invades his mind and takes control of the situation.
From Nelson's point of view, we see the scene play out. Nelson slowly looks around and fiddles with his shirt. A passing car startles him as he comes back to reality and looks on guard. He looks across the way and spots another unknown figure.Just then, another car pulls through the gate and stops. Nelson looks through the window and gives a weak smile to the driver and nods. As the car passes, his expression turns grim as he stares as the car pulls away. Nelson looks back to the unknown figure, then back to the car. He steps in the gate as the flashback suddenly ends by a booming sound.
Nelson's memory is cut short as he hears loud shouting and banging on the table.
       LISTEN TO ME! 
Donovan is now face to face with Nelson as Marcel stands jittering in the background.
Why them? You were too much of a coward to come for me, huh?! 
I. Told. You. I don't know what you're talking about.
Midway through Nelson's sentence, Donovan walks quickly to another table, grabs a collection of photos, and walks back calmly to Nelson. He looks at the pictures in pain and disgust then slams them on the table in front of Nelson. Donovan grabs Nelson by the front of his hair and forces his face to look closely at the pictures. Nelson screams and jolts back into the chair almost knocking it over. Tears start running down his face. 
(laughing) So you remember now? Or are you blocking it out...too much pain to bear?
(in a whimper) Why would I remember any of this?
Why? (to Donovan) He asks why... because no one else is responsible...except you.
You did this Nelson. and my only question now is why?
Why? I-I didn't. I could never do something like this to you...even worse, to your family?
Don't lie to me. I thought I could put trust in you with something important.I tried to help you. But when things get bad for you one time, you turn, and being the person you are, you only look out for yourself. 
Donovan grabs Nelson's head again and bangs it onto the table. He raises him and looks directy at him.
Remember now?!
This triggers another flashback. 
Nelson stands alone in a room looking dazed. He walks through and leaves through the back. He stops by the door and fiddles with his shirt again, realizing it's covered in blood. 
Nelson is now broken mentally, still is disbelief at what he has done but, his memories tell a different story. 
Why is this happening? 
DONOVAN's all you. Down and out, the only way to go was against your own. Tell me, how much did they give you? I hope it was worth it! 
Donovan moves in for a hit but stops as Nelson explodes. 
(yelling) NO! I wouldn't do this to you, to your wife, your kids! No matter how much I got myself into...
(in a mockingly way) But you did and that what makes you what you are.
Nelson accepts his defeat. He sits there in a catatonic state. Marcel and Donovan look to one another and slowly go toward Nelson. They undo his cuffs slowly and pull him up. While dragging him to his fate, Nelson has one last statement to make. He jerks violently away from the two men and grabs Marcel's gun. Nelson's hands shake as he points it towards Donovan who slowly reaches for his own gun. Nelson then shows a grim smile, the same smile he wore on the day he committed his sin. The smile slowly dissolves and his mouth can be seen muttering. 
It's not over, I'm sorry.
Nelson turns the gun on himself, and fires. 

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